Friday 13 January 2012

UKS 365 photo's - Day 13 - Your fridge

fits of giggles over this one - FIRSTLY there is beer, well lager - we don't really drink, those cans have been there since Christmas in case someone called and we could offer a drink.

Two eggs in the egg box - a half can of sweetcorn which needs chucking because it's been there for 3 days, margarine and a block of cheese which needs to go back to Morrisons tomorrow as there is a toothpick skewered into it - gross ??and two slices of ham which hasn't been wrapped properly and has gone pretty dry and nasty.

Fish and chips tonight then - and desperately need to go shopping first thing in the morning.


  1. And I was feeling guilty about mine? Ah Ah Gilly !!! xx

  2. Thats more or less what mine is like so glad Im staying with a.friend used.hers
